Our chapter collects eyeglasses for the Lions Club International Eyeglass Recycling Program. The used eyeglasses are then distributed to those in need by Lions volunteers or other organizations that support optical health in developing countries. Children's eyeglasses are especially needed. By donating your eyeglasses (and sunglasses too) you can help contribute towards Delta Gamma's Service for Sight philanthropy project.
Please bring any prescription or nonprescription eyeglasses and sunglasses to an event and a chapter officer will collect them and donate them to Lions Club International. For questions or to make a donation please contact
Well Aware, Delta Gamma's wellness program, is a collection of programs, activities and references compiled to promote awareness and education on wellness topics.Delta Gamma created this program as a means of addressing critical issues that impact women at all stages of life. Women can be empowered to meet inevitable changes with healthy and knowledgeable life choices. Wellness is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Well Aware resources address eight dimensions: Social, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Vocational, Intellectual, Financial, and Leadership. So how can you be better informed about wellness issues?
- Well Aware issues and programs are available on
- Well Aware updates will be published in our newsletter.
- You can also subscribe to the Well Aware listserve and receive bimonthly wellness e-mails. If you would like to subscribe to the bimonthly wellness e-mail, please e-mail your full name and e-mail address to
Here are some websites that can start you on the road to wellness!